The Huge Step Back

I’ve been complaining these past years about how my religion and the core values it spreads has been distorted, noticing how much violence is taking place in the name of Islam, as a result of radical movements infiltrating all moderate countries and reaching its roots.
It’s noticeable that since the Afghan wars (Russian & US invasions) and the Bosnian war, all the volunteers that went to fight in the name of Islam, especially in Afghanistan, were enrolled and trained by extremist and/ or radical groups, and sent back to their countries to “serve” and “infiltrate”. The most painful is that these radicalized and over trained youth are far from having the slightest idea on their beliefs, their religion, and the values it carries.
We therefore have to deal today with very specific interpretations of Islam that relate to the first ages of our faith, one that is hardly bearable nor acceptable in this modern world we live in. As a comparison, imagine Mormon preachers spreading in communities, financed by some wealthy powerful and violent hidden ally, convincing neighborhoods by the sword and the gun, the dynamite and the bomb, to adopt Mormon traditions and values in their daily lives..

One of these “Muslim” preachers’ teaching pillars is that Islam was spread by our Prophet (PPBUH) by invading the “unfaithful and atheist lands”, by war and by blood…

Every reasonable mind acknowledges that ours is a religion of peace, of tolerance, kindness, love, and respect.

To my huge amazement, I learned just days ago, in a #Coursera lecture by professor Dr. #Afsah, that Indonesia and Malaysia, the most biggest Muslim countries in population (AND lately in economic growth also!!), have never been invaded by Muslim crusaders, but have adopted Islam as their dominant religion centuries ago peacefully, by the favor of Sufi traders and migrants, who disseminated Muslim values, traditions, and beliefs. Islam was rooted in both these countries despite British and Dutch occupation that lasted from the 18th to the 20 centuries. (Indonesia was known as the “Dutch West Indies”).

In conclusion, my only wish is that we re-introduce our basic teachings to our children, to avoid letting this pseudo religion infiltrate all levels of population, and exerting this untruthful interpretation of Islam on our children’s brains.

In today’s economical constraints, all our focus should be put on growth, labor effort, human and economical investment and dedication, and certainly not on who wears what or on forcing archaic behaviors and manners on our societies, depriving us from half of our thinking, working, and managing powers by preventing women to take part in our economies,for example.
Modernity has always been encouraged by Islam throughout the ages, since it’s beginning, through “Ijtihad” (not to be mistaken with “jihad”). And this is exactly the giant step we need to take to keep the pace.

#religion #values #ijtihad #economic_growth #archaic #education